25+ years experience. CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

25+ years experience.  CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

Aligning Finance with the rest of the business

A company’s vision, mission, operational and company strategies are all geared towards giving the organisation a focus and process for delivery. Every department within the business supports that. But so many businesses develop silos internally, even though...

Would Corbynomics have prevented the financial crisis?

Would Corbynomics have prevented the financial crisis of 2007/8? Jeremy Corbyn has shaken up the UK political scene by winning (with a landslide) the Labour party leadership.  He stands on the far left of the spectrum of politics and offers a distinctly different...

Finance as a Business Partner

Finance departments – cost centre or business partner?  Gatekeeper or valued counsel? Friend or foe of Operations? All businesses have a finance function; small businesses may have it completely outsourced, as may be the case for parts of a large finance department. ...

10 questions for forward thinking CFOs to consider

10 questions CFOs have to consider. (This is a modification of a 2009 McKinsey Article: What Next? Ten Questions for CFOs) 1) How is my company prepared for a worsening Euro crises? In a recent interview in the Economia magazine the RBS Chairman when asked how worried...

Are you pushing the employees out the door?

A good friend of mine is working at a very large consultancy. She is well qualified to do so, she is thought of highly (evidenced by promotion) and enjoys working for her current employer more then the previous one. That is to say, the work she undertakes at the new...