25+ years experience. CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

25+ years experience.  CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

I’ve read numerous times in recent months that we should try to actively manage our online reputation.  Well, considering how long i’ve now been looking at Internet business ideas it took a long (long) time to buy the domain of my own name.

And so here we are.  Over the comings days, weeks, months and years I intend to share my views on the world at large, with a specific bent towards business issues.

I hope along the way I manage to share something that will be of help to some and (hopefully) at other times make you smile too.

Here’s to blogging.
