by Ian Kaye | Business Start-up and Growth, CFO / FD
Cash is king, but are you King of the cash? It has been written many times – cash is king. Simply put if you have cash in your business, without unmanageable liabilities, you can continue to run your business. Even if it is loss making – a company with a strong...
by Ian Kaye | CFO / FD, Project Management
Acquiring a business takes a lot of planning, often weeks, if not months or years of negotiation (both formal and informal). A substantial period of due diligence, the period in which you get a closer look at your targets books is the first time you get behind the...
by Ian Kaye | Business Start-up and Growth
I’m probably rather late to this party, but nonetheless I thought it worth providing an overview of Seth Godin’s book Purple Cow.In a nutshell Godin tells us to be remarkable! To stand out from the crowd, and make yourself noticeable. There are too many products that...
by Ian Kaye | Business Start-up and Growth, Random
Lord Sugars apprentice was hired last night. Tom the mad scientist type got the positive pointed finger after eleven weeks of random tasks set up for good television.From several weeks back I thought there could only be one of two winners, the two that had their own...