25+ years experience. CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

25+ years experience.  CFO/FD | Coach | Trainer
Approachable, results focused.
Output solution driven. Frankly, a business geek.

10 questions for forward thinking CFOs to consider

10 questions CFOs have to consider. (This is a modification of a 2009 McKinsey Article: What Next? Ten Questions for CFOs) 1) How is my company prepared for a worsening Euro crises? In a recent interview in the Economia magazine the RBS Chairman when asked how worried...

Are you pushing the employees out the door?

A good friend of mine is working at a very large consultancy. She is well qualified to do so, she is thought of highly (evidenced by promotion) and enjoys working for her current employer more then the previous one. That is to say, the work she undertakes at the new...